When you put your sales and marketing plan together, will it include a strategy for generating referrals? If it does, it’s the exception to the rule.
Remarkably, although 98% of businesses depend on referrals, only 3% of them have a referral strategy in place. (Source: Dr Ivan Misner, founder of global networking organisation BNI).
New business leads are the lifeblood of any small business. Refining how and where to spend your limited budget in order to keep your pipeline full of fresh new sales enquiries is likely to be one of your biggest challenges.
As you consider advertising, social media and all the other ways you can promote your business, don’t forget referrals – those invaluable sales leads that result from a customer promoting your business for you.
Somebody who’s had a great experience with your business – or knows someone who has – will be only too happy to share it with others, and people are far more likely to trust a recommendation that comes from a person they know.
Add to this the fact that referrals generally convert at a higher rate than other enquiries, typically achieve a higher average price per sale, and customers stay longer, and the power of referrals is clear.
But referrals are often overlooked – or at least not given the attention they deserve – and are simply left to chance or luck. Of course, referrals can and do happen spontaneously, but having a strategy in place will help you get more of them and crucially, ensure they’re the kind of referrals you’re looking for.
If your goal is to generate more sales, and you only have a limited marketing budget to work with, you need to book onto our September workshop; ‘How to Get More Referrals for Your Business’ presented by Graham Carson and Amy Russell of Inca Accountants.
During the workshop, Graham and Amy will explain how to introduce a successful referral strategy to generate more new leads for your business.
Who Is It For?
This is a must-attend event for owners of any kind of micro or small business who are hungry for new leads at little or even no extra cost.
What Will You Learn?
Graham and Amy will explain why you need to take a proactive approach to referrals rather than simply wait for them to come to you. They’ll share the secrets of how Inca successfully generates referrals from a range of sources including customers, networking contacts, strategic partners and through social media.
By the end of this workshop, you will:
- Have clarity on the kind of referrals you want
- Be able to identify who can give them to you
- Know the steps to make the referral process easy
- Walk away with a referral strategy you can implement right away to get the introductions you want – at minimal cost and effort!
Our business development workshops are designed to help micro to small businesses like yours. They’re friendly, interactive and there will be plenty of time to ask questions.
What’s more, they’re not just great events where you can develop your skills and gain knowledge that will help you grow your business; they also provide fantastic opportunities to meet and network with other like-minded local business owners.