Thursday 29th October 2020
09:00 – Arrival & Networking
09:30 – Workshop to start
13:00 – Ends
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Goring & Streatley Golf Club
Rectory Road
Streatey on Thames, RG8 9QA
United Kingdom
Free to Inca clients
£97.50 + VAT for additional team members of Inca clients
£195 + VAT to non Inca clients
Amy Russell
[email protected]
Inca – Caring Accounting
01235 868888
How to Grow your Business through Networking!
Thursday 29th October 2020
Done properly, Networking is a powerful tool that can help your business grow. Asking the right questions and identifying the right groups is key to use business networking as a cost-effective way to raise awareness of your business.
Networking also forms an essential part of your marketing strategy so those with a limited marketing budget or businesses where trust is an important part of the customer purchasing decision cannot afford to miss this workshop!

Amy Russell of Inca will help you learn how to maximise your time and effectiveness when networking. She will give you hints and tip on how to start and finish conversation with those you are surrounded by, and etiquette on who to approach and pitfalls to avoid when networking.
This workshop will enable you as a business owner to obtain visibility and credibility leading to greater quantity and more importantly quality referrals for you and your business.