Inca COVID-19 Update: Job Retention Scheme Extended + New Grant Scheme for Small Businesses
13th May 2020
Welcome to our latest COVID-19 update.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Extended
The chancellor has announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is being extended until the end of October 2020. There are no changes to the scheme until 31st July: after this date, more flexibility will be introduced, allowing employers to bring furloughed staff back to work part-time.
Full details are expected by the end of May.
Reminder: If Inca is managing CJRS claims and reimbursements for your business, you must advise us if the furlough situation changes for any employees or directors on your payroll.
New Grant Scheme for Small Businesses
Details of a new discretionary grant fund to support small businesses falling outside of the scope of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grants Fund (RHLGF) are being finalised.
Details are expected to be confirmed next week. In the meanwhile, you can find some further information at:
Remember, the team at Inca are here to help or advise you on any financial challenges your business might be facing as a result of coronavirus. But we’re here also if you just want to chat to someone who isn’t your partner, child, cat or dog!
We hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to share it with other business owners in your contact sphere.
We aim to issue regular email updates throughout the Coronavirus crisis. If you do not already receive our emails please do feel free to sign up to our free advice service by following the ‘Subscribe’ link on the right hand side of this page.
If you have specific questions you’d like to ask, please email our new, dedicated email address [email protected] . We will collate questions and share answers here on the newsletter platform and on our social media channels.